‘Plant factory systems’
the future of agriculture

‘A plant factory’ is a system which automatically and continuously produces plants throughout all seasons by artificially controlling environmental conditions needed to grow plants in controlled fixed places, such as light, temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide concentration and nutrients. ‘A plant factory’ can grow farm products safe from diseases and harmful insects using high-quality techniques to completely control environment related to plant growth.

‘Plant factory systems’
the future of

‘A plant factory’ is a system which automatically and continuously produces plants throughout all seasons by artificially controlling environmental conditions needed to grow plants in controlled fixed places, such as light, temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide concentration and nutrients. ‘A plant factory’ can grow farm products safe from diseases and harmful insects using high-quality techniques to completely control environment related to plant growth.

Harvesting periods after planting leaf vegetables

7 days after planting

10 days after planting

13 days after planting

16 days after planting

18 days after planting


Plant factory systems can be installed at all indoor places, including large plant factories of 50 pyeong or more and smaller factories (such as restaurants, building basements, lobbies and college lecture rooms) according to desired design and specifications.
Main components and systems researched and developed by Neulpureunchae
- Nontoxic double insulation water way
- Mobile growing beds
- Low-heat LED [red 660nm blue 450nm white] exclusively for growing plants
- Systems for automatically stirring and supplying nutrient solutions
[measure EC and pH in real time]
- Environment control systems (temperature, humidity, air currents and CO2)
- Automatic water supply systems
- Main control and monitoring systems
* All products and systems of Neulpureunchae are installed and constructed by the company.

엽채류 정식 후 수확기간

7 days after planting

10 days after planting

13 days after planting

16 days after planting

18 days after planting
